
Daily from 09h00 to 16h00 (closed Christmas Day)

Out Of Bounds

Private properties and areas defined by white stakes

L o c a l    R u l e s

  • The position of the ball must be marked before it is picked up.
  • Your marker must preferably be present or at least be notified of your intention to want to place your ball.
  • One club length placing is allowed.
  • Placing is only allowed on the fairways (everywhere where the mowers run).

Private properties and areas defined by white stakes. When a ball is hit out of bounds, play another ball from where the ball was hit out of bounds (ONE SHOT PENALTY) or play another ball from anywhere in line from where the ball crossed the out of bounds border (TWO SHOT PENALTY). The same rules apply for 'LOST BALL'.

If a ball comes to rest so near to the net that your swing, stance, line of sight will be affected, you may drop the ball in the dropping zone without any penalty.

If a ball comes to rest so near to the wall of the T-box of hole 3/12 that your swing, stance, line of sight is effected, you may have a free drop of 2 club lengths from the nearest corner of the T-box.

All players have the option to choose the colour of tee's to be played from, except if announced differently by the committee.
Visitors Green Fees and Rentals 9 Holes 18 Holes
Visitor Affiliated R150 R200
Visitor Non-affiliated R200 R260
Visitor younger than 18 years (Scholars) R80 R120
Student Visitor (Student Card) R110 R160
Visitor Dolphins Creek Property Owner R150 R200
Visitors Sundowner HOA Sponsored R150 n/a
Ezgo Cart Rental R260 R330
Pullcart Rental R40 R60

Members Green Fees and Rentals 9 Holes 18 Holes
Members Younger than 60 Years R100 R140
Members Over 60 Years R90 R120
Members younger than 18 Years (Scholars) R70 R100
Student Members (Student Card) R90 R120
Members Sundowner HOA Sponsored R100 n/a
Ezgo Cart Rental R150 R200
Pullcart Rental R40 R60

Annual Membership Fees
Members Younger than 60 Years R1840
Members 60-70 Years R1500
Members 70+ Years R1180
Members 80+ Years R200
Members 81+ Years FREE
Couples Younger than 70 years R2680
Couples 70 years and older R2020
Scholars (Provide ID card) and Students (Provide Student Card) R920
New Member Joining Fee (Once off) R500
Card Fees (Once a year) R920
New Member SAGA Card Fee (Once off) R1170

(Payment before 28 Febuary. Excludes SAGA and Handicap card fees.)

Golf Committee

Ernie Blommaert


Jimmy Steele


Louis Adams


Jan van Wyk


Gert Jordaan
